One in five Canadians suffers from the most pervasive health crisis of our time:
metabolic syndrome
Do You Have MetS?
In the past thirteen years the number of Albertans diagnosed with diabetes has increased by 96% and over the next decade it is projected to increase by another 42%. We need to reverse this trend and reduce our risk of heart attacks, strokes and other chronic disease.
Find out if you’re at risk.
A Program that Works
Your family medicine clinic can halt and even reverse the life threatening effects of metabolic syndrome.
The program is one year in length, helping patients navigate their health; moving beyond diet and exercise fads into life-long change and, for a significant number of patients, Metabolic Syndrome or Type II Diabetes reversal/remission.
CHANGE Alberta: A Team in Action
CHANGE Alberta is inspiring, bringing exercise and diet directly into primary care practice is transformative for health. It’s a great model of team-based health care that brings together a group of dedicated health care professionals working with individuals to build stronger and more vibrant healthy communities.
Top academic leaders, health experts, community leaders, and government partners are working together to provide the best patient supports to help people get healthier.
Metabolic syndrome leads to chronic illnesses that account for 43% of all deaths in Canada.
Family doctors can detect it early – and with the right support, reverse the risks.